Friday, November 16, 2007

Mind yer own knittin’!

So Lexie’s recently taught me to knit, and I’ve gotten rather obsessed with it. Not sure I’ll ever be good enough, or dedicated enough to knit anybody a sweater, but I’m working on my third scarf, and Lexie just made herself a fine hat.

If you are a knitter and ever find yourself in Evansville, we really love our local knitting shop KnitWitts. They are lovely helpful people, have all kinds of beautiful stuff, and as a bonus have two adopted dogs (a Beggar and a Napper) and a sweet little Boston terrier that I enjoy visiting with.

My first satisfied client (other than myself of course) is Ms. Shecky Green Clayton, pictured at bottom, enjoying her new scarf. Being an old-ish bear with quite a thin neck, Shecky is quite happy with the fine craftmanship of the new scarf.